COMFORT asset management – overview

Mandate advisor

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COMFORT active

COMFORT «active» focuses primarily on active bond and equity funds.

COMFORT «strategy»

COMFORT «strategy» is geared to adhering rigorously to your investment strategy.

COMFORT «premium»

COMFORT «premium» focuses on direct investments (equities and bonds), supplemented by selected funds.

COMFORT «premium helvetia»

COMFORT «premium Helvetia» invests exclusively in Swiss shares and bonds, and is broadly diversified.

COMFORT «premium eco»

COMFORT «premium eco» focuses on direct investments (equities and bonds), supplemented by selected funds.

COMFORT «premium dividend»

COMFORT «premium dividend» focuses on direct investments (bonds and equities) plus selected funds of companies offering high and stable dividend payments.

COMFORT «private»

COMFORT «private» allows you to prepare an investment solution tailored to your exact requirements in consultation with our specialists.


St.Galler Kantonalbank Ltd.
St. Leonhardstrasse 25
9001 St. Gallen

T +41 (0)71 231 31 31 

Postal account: 90-219-8
Clearing-No.: 781

This information is for marketing purpose.